Day 6 Telford to Wilmslow
69.4 miles in 385 mins
The only record that was broken today was that of the wind. It was the strongest headwind so far, in fact I'd like to complain about this prevailing wind in general - it seems to not be prevailing at all, in fact it seems to be losing. The most favourable wind we've had so far was a crosswind somewhere back in devon and now it's set to get stronger and more into our faces over the next few days. Lunch was different today, but no less good, as it involved 'dairylea dunkers' and 'wham bars'. We spent quite a lot of the day counting the cars that passed us (we have a lot of spare time). The countryside was mostly flat, which was nice and so we weren't too tired by the end. We had enough rain for us to stop and get our waterproofs out before it stopped and oliver admitted that one of the higlights of his life was discovering 'mac-in-a-sac.' Richard cycled with us for teh last mile or so and we wer in Wilmslow by 6.30.
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